Corruption in Republic is a common Agenda ?
Corruption has no more in Republic who says? The rumors that agenda of party policies and in advantage to upcoming Election Campaigns to take huge donations from their party , the commoners and industralists.
Corruption is a huge crime mere than bombardments taking place. If these types of thoughts would emerged to the leaders, the thought from the peace process to make New Nepal as Switzerland who denies.
Corruption has become common agenda to VDC(municipalities). If you go there to make loans to your land to decorate your house you have to first visit to low level staff to let them some amounts than he would carry on message to chief. In between primary accountant demand some more money limit than government policy. You are hindered as a deer on your own circumstances for your will. Expenditures of lakhs will arrive. At last, your face would redden.Your house for 5 to 6 days would begin of ruin temperment with your family members.
For checking government policies and Executives the Civil Investigative Authority was built. To minimize taking bribes late King Gyanendra on his duration make Royal Commossion. Also the leaders later on the process of constitution making made Melmilap Ayog thorugh on which Constituent Assembly is supreme to decide to culprits on case of Corruption. CIA is full of power and charged case to the person directly to court. But in democracy when constituent assembly is topper it has just a self release to crime .
CPN(M) had give a candidate to a lady related to Golcha family demanded 30 million for a set of party member in constituent assembly.These are only samples . Sudan Corruption, Militia Corruption, Demanding money to foreigners are others.
Nation after being democratic republic taking bribes are no more questionable. All Party relatives to party candidates had had to take a seat. Parties which later first gave impression to public their demand to make nation on the way of developments are to become cheaters to collect money only to fill the pockets. Talking about bureaucracy of country it has its old disease. Now, how people would choose right candidate and to trust them belongings they are the good servicers of New Nepal were become mere a question itself paused.
Sufficiently, to have a flat, to take a land there are brokers. In Nepal general public has to pay vat with extra service tax to get a launch in restaura. Neither wealthy nor poor each and every person are regularizing in this big bang theory of Corruption continuously and they are getting pleasure. This is a custody and just we are enjoing in it.
At Eleventh hour, King Prithivi Narayan Shah has said taking and letting bribe is fault. If our nation building parties get realized with this serious situation and make internal force to handle this period. Really, in public money seems weighty. And the Nation’s future would grow upon other sector of development parts. Otherwise, a chat should always to be heard Nepalese are people of developing nation, our country and we people are very poor. Is that our glory?
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