
Showing posts from August 30, 2013

Thy Law & Orders

Hey  man would u know the TO-LET Home. Why? Who r u? What do u do? No, No, just asking.  I m the landlord. Tell everything? Are u not a broker? Oh! Man What r u saying yaar  Just trust me lets have a cup of tea. Ok! That Red House! Yeah. Where are u from if you deserve 10,000 get it? 10,000 isn’t it more?  Not too much.  I’m from Salyan? Salyan where does it lies yet not ready to let mine rooms? What’s the matter I have two sister & only me, a babydoll, would be for thee. Oh! If it does seem so what’s the deal? Let me give 3 months advance but for my wife nor tell salyan or jajarkot tell her u pokharli. Ok! What’s the facilities than? Bargaining no more  I ve built the house in 2 corore and  have to pay mere ten thosands from thy side. What about shelter, the water supplies, drinking, electricity excetra excetra. Same questions  leave it apart if so there would be others for rent. Oh! No! My lord..... co...