Nay More Peanuts

Nay More Peanuts

Once a man was going to New Delhi. He was with a north face jacket which he bought from his friends shop at Kathmandu. He unfolds it on hand and put it on his bag. And went to railway station from Birgunj. He got enough money so he possesses AC class. A Tiffin boy thought the passengers on long travel that he was a born on high class. Why not? The suffering cold made him uneasy to again put on the jacket and to eat something. Such uneasy habit of that man made peanuts catching boy rethink that weather he was taking a sample of the jacket to order in the hometown. Such vicious thoughts emerging through his mind made him get know to take the 'mumfully' peanuts. He thought he was a "rais." He lies on a trip over a dibba for 4 days and peanut seller saw him conversation each hour solidly. Alas, he bought one Addidas and at the eleventh hour he made a trip to Taj Mahal and went to his Aunt's rent.


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